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PALEO 2019:07

Fossil taxa:


Zeilleria frenzli (Stur 1883) Kidston 1884

 Martin Pavela *



* Czech Paleontological Society, Na pastvisku 10, Opava, 74705, ČR

Key words: Monilophyta, Zeilleria frenzli, Carboniferous




Fig.1: Zeilleria frenzli (Stur 1883) Kidston 1884; Czech Paleontological Society (PPC)

Upper Silesian Basin / Karviná Formation / Orlová - Důl Lazy; Carboniferous / Pennsylvanian / Bashkirian



  • Stratigraphic and geographic range (Stratigrafické a geografické rozšíření):  Bashkirian; Czechia, Poland...

Upper Silesian Basin: Karviná Formation (Suchá and Doubrava Meber) / Orlová - Důl Lazy

Lower Silesian Basin:

  • Material (Materiál):

Czech Paleontological Society (PPC):



Fig.2: Palmatopteris furcata (Brongniart 1828) Potonié 1893


  • Remarks (Poznámky): 

  • References (Reference):

  • Quote this article (Citace tohoto příspěvku): 

Pavela M. (2019): Fossil taxa: Zeilleria frenzli (Stur 1883) Kidston 1884, PALEO 2019:07

  • Date of publishing (Datum publikování):  7.1.2019

  • Photogallery (Fotogalerie):



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