PALEO 2018:85
Reports on research:
The Carboniferous Time Scale
Martin Pavela *
* Czech Paleontological Society, Na pastvisku 10, Opava, 74705, ČR
Key words: Stratigraphy, Carboniferous
Fig.1 & 2: Carboniferous Time Scale; Richards 2013
- References (Reference): Richard B. C. (2013): Current status of the International Carboniferous Time Scale. - Lucas, S.G., et al. eds., 2013, The Carboniferous-Permian Transition. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 60, 348-353.
- Quote this article (Citace tohoto příspěvku):
Pavela M. (2018): Reports on research: Carboniferous Time Scale, PALEO 2018:85
- Date of publishing (Datum publikování): 12.7.2018
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