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PALEO 2018:04

Fossil taxa:


Flemingites russelianus (Binney 1871) Brack-Hannes & Thomas 1983

 Martin Pavela *



* Czech Paleontological Society, Na pastvisku 10, Opava, 74705, ČR

Key words: Lycopodiophyta, Lepidodendrales, Flemingites, Bergeria, Carboniferous



Fig.1: Flemingites russelianus (Binney 1871) Brack-Hannes & Thomas 1983, Upper Silesian Basin / Karviná - Důl ČSA, PPC (Pavela-PaleoCollection)



  • Stratigraphic and geographic range (Stratigrafické a geografické rozšíření):  Bashkirian Europe and Canada. CZ: Svrchní Namur (Yeaedonian) až Vestfál A (Langsettian) Hornoslezská pánev, Vestfál B (Duckmantian) Skotsko, Vestfál A (Langsettian) až Vestfál C (Bolsovian) Velká Británie, svrchní část Vestfálu A (Langsettianu) až spodní část Vestfálu C (Bolsovianu) Španělsko, Vestfál A (Langsettian) až Vestfál C (Bolsovian) Kanada.
  • Remarks (Poznámky):  První publikované nálezy taxonu Flemingites russelianus (Binney 1871) Brack-Hannes & Thomas 1983 z hornoslezské pánve. Šištice jsou nalézány společně s větvemi druhu Bergeria dilatata (Lindley & Hutton 1831) Álvarez-Vazquez & Warner 2014. Tak je tomu také v hornoslezské pánvi, na lokalitě Karviná - Důl ČSA. Je tedy nepochybné, že se jedná o fosilní zbytky jediného taxonu.




Fig.2: Flemingites russelianus (Binney 1871) Brack-Hannes & Thomas 1983 and Bergeria dilatata (Lindley & Hutton 1831) Álvarez-Vazquez & Wagner 2014, Upper Silesian Basin / Karviná - Důl ČSA, PPC (Pavela-PaleoCollection)


  • Literature (Literatura): 

Álvarez-Vazquez, C., Wagner, R.H. 2014. Lycopsida from the lower Westphalian (Middle Pennsylvanian) of the Maritime Provinces, Canada. Atlantic Geology 50, 167-232. - online here

  • Quote this article (Citace tohoto příspěvku): 

Pavela M. (2018): Fossil taxa: Flemingites russelianus (Binney 1871) Brack-Hannes & Thomas 1983, PALEO 2018:04

  • Date of publishing (Datum publikování):  12.1.2018

  • Photogallery (Fotogalerie):


Fig.3: Flemingites russelianus (Binney 1871) Brack-Hannes & Thomas 1983 and Bergeria dilatata (Lindley & Hutton 1831) Álvarez-Vazquez & Wagner 2014, Upper Silesian Basin / Karviná - Důl ČSA, PPC (Pavela-PaleoCollection)



Fig.4: Flemingites russelianus (Binney 1871) Brack-Hannes & Thomas 1983, Upper Silesian Basin / Karviná - Důl ČSA, PPC (Pavela-PaleoCollection)


  • Bonus: Original text Carmen Álvarez-Vázquez & Robert H. Wagner, 2014 - online here


Flemingites russelianus (Binney 1871) Brack-Hanes and Thomas 1983 (Figs. 16a–b, d–f)

  • * p 1871 Lepidostrobus Russelianus Binney, p. 51, Pl. IX, figs. 1, 1a; non pl. IX, figs. 2, 2a (= Lepidostrobus dubius Binney, synonym of Flemingites gracilis acc. to Chaloner 1953).
  • * 1871 Lepidostrobus Hibbertianus Binney, p. 55, Pl. X, figs. 2–2b (acc. to Chaloner 1953).
  • v p 1944 Lepidodendron lanceolatum, Bell, pp. 88–89, pl. XLVIII, fig. 3 (strobili associated with leafy branches attributed here to Bergeria dilatata — see synonymy list of this species).
  • 1949 Lepidostrobus sp., Arnold, pp. 172–173, pl. VII, figs. 1, 3, 4 (acc. to Chaloner 1953).
  • 1952 Ulostrobus Goodei, Stockmans and Willière, Pl. E, fig. 1 (associated with Ulodendron goodei); pl. F, figs. 1, 1a, fig. 2 (with Ulodendron goodei), figs. 3–5a (see synonymy list of Bergeria dilatata).
  • 1953 Lepidostrobus russelianus, Chaloner, p. 277 (emended diagnosis), text-figs. 13–16 (megaspores), 17A–E (microspores).
  • T 1966 Lepidostrobus russelianus, Crookall, pp. 500–501, text-fig. 147 (copy of Binney 1871).
  • § 1983 Flemingites russelianus, Brack-Hanes and Thomas, p. 132.
  • v 1995 Flemingites russelianus, Álvarez-Vázquez, p. 222, lám. 74, fig. 3; lám. 75, fig. 2; lám. 77.


117 DESCRIPTION. Cylindrical strobilus up to 60 mm long and 15 mm broad, tapering only in the top part to end in a rounded apex. Sporophylls arranged in a low-angle spiral, rigid in aspect and closely adpressed. Sporophyll lamina lanceolate, with acute apex and a relatively broad, prominent central vein. Dimensions: up to 10 mm long and 1.3 mm wide.

118 REMARKS. The association of Flemingites russelianus with Lepidodendron acutum (now Bergeria dilatata) has been generally recognized (e.g., Chaloner 1953; Álvarez- Vázquez 1995). All the Canadian specimens included in this species are associated with branches of Bergeria dilatata. None of these display sporangial contents.

The incomplete strobilus figured by Jongmans (1937, pl. 15, fig. 25) as Lepidostrobus cf. goodei, most likely belongs to Flemingites russelianus, a conclusion reinforced by its association with Bergeria dilatata (recorded by Jongmans as Lepidodendron ophiurus).

119 STRATIGRAPHIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. Binney’s material comes from Airdrie, Lanarkshire, Scotland, from rocks of Duckmantian age. Chaloner (1953) and Crookall (1966) recorded the species from Langsettian to Bolsovian in Great Britain. In the Peñarroya Basin, southwestern Spain, it occurs in upper Langsettian and upper Duckmantian/lower Bolsovian strata (Álvarez-Vázquez 1995, 2000), often in association with specimens of the relatively common Bergeria dilatata.

120 OCCURRENCE IN THE MARITIME PROVINCES, CANADA. Cumberland Basin (Nova Scotia): locality 1053 (GSC 9951 — fragmentary + GSC 9952 + GSC 9953 — together with Senftenbergia plumosa); locality 1406 (GSC 9913 — strobili associated with leafy branches of Bergeria dilatata + one specimen without catalogue number); locality 1411 (two pieces — together with leafy branches of Bergeria dilatata); locality 1496 (one specimen, part and counterpart, associated with Bergeria dilatata, Calamites suckowii and Dorycordaites palmaeformis).

121 OCCURRENCE IN THE UNITED STATES. Michigan: Arnold (1949).